As We Forgive Featured on PBS
Laura Waters Hinson's film, As We Forgive, which inspired my book is on PBS this month on various stations across the US. For a full listing of the times and channels where you can find the film, check out her schedule. If you haven't seen the film, and you've read the book, you'll enjoy being able to put faces with the names of several of the characters that you've read about in the book.
Also, if you haven't had a chance to explore the newly launched Living Bricks Campaign website, take some time to do so. Hinson and Prison Fellowship International are working together to raise funds and support for the ongoing work of reconciliation in Rwanda. If you've read my book, you'll remember the story of Rosaria and Saveri. The campaign will help other exprisoners like Saveri and Mattias whose stories I share participate in building homes for survivors like Rosaria. In doing so, they are tangibly showing the reality of their remorse, and helping in some small way to better the lives of those they have wronged. The Living Bricks Campaign is one of several ways to get involved in helping Rwandans today and something which I've been promoting on my 100 day blog tour.
I can't say I fully understand that kind of extreme forgiveness or even want to understand it, but I'm pretty sure I agree. Faced with tragedy or heartache, you can choose to carry the burden of anger around with you forever. Or you can forgive. It doesn't take away the pain or grief.
Posted by: micro sd | December 14, 2009 at 04:23 AM